Music Therapy & Psychological Intervention

Music therapy is based on the understanding that the ability to respond to music is an inborn quality in all human beings. This ability usually remains unimpaired by impairments, injury, or illness and is not dependent on musical training. In music therapy, we work to achieve therapeutic aims by developing a musical relationship where emotions and thoughts can be expressed. Music is used as a tool to develop individuality, communication and social skills, a sense of confidence, motivation, and self-expression, as well as to enhance well-being and quality of life for people of all ages with a range of needs and challenges.

Misic Therapy
Misic Therapy

Psychological Screening, Assessment and Counselling

At Hamsakutira we cater to the specific needs of Neuro-diverse learners and individuals with developmental regression, cancer patients and survivors, caretakers, individuals with memory-related disorders like Alzheimer's, and other neuro-cognitive disorders like multiple sclerosis. Psychological evaluation and emotional counselling are provided to provide empathy and support to people in distress and parents of neurodiverse students.

Misic Therapy
Misic Therapy

Awareness and Orientation Programs

Educational and awareness sessions on autism and multiple disabilities, music psychology, and cognitive music therapy are conducted for parents, caretakers, educationists, researchers, and aspirants.

Misic Therapy
Misic Therapy
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